Eight months ago when I first found out that I would be leading this trip to Texas, the one I saw develop into a real trip from its beginning, I was not at all nervous to be going. Now, as I’m sitting in the airport with my amazing team as we’re waiting to board our plane, I’ve got some minor jitters about the journey we are about to take, but mostly the upmost confidence that we will have a terrific experience.

I’ve taken several service trips in the past couple of years since I started going to Lafayette, two of which were ASB trips, all of which were amazing. There is something about this particular trip, however, that stands out to me as being almost “magical”. Maybe it’s that it’s the first one that I’m leading, or maybe it’s because I’ve never been to Texas before and it seems like an entirely different world. Maybe it is my fantastic team I have the pleasure of spending the week with. Whatever it is, the entire trip seemed to come together in the most perfect way. We’ll get to meet a former Lafayette ASB president who happens to live in the exact city where we’re staying. We’ll also be doing a combination of direct service and educational training, what I think is the best formula for a rewarding ASB experience. We have a solid reorientation plan in place already and we haven’t even started our trip yet. Everything down to the activities we’ve been recommended to do during our down time: visiting a nature preserve, going to the beach, salsa dancing?!?!

I’m so so incredibly excited to see what this week has in store for our team. Whatever minor incidents happen along the way, I’m positive nothing will be able to drop the high bar this trip has set for us. Maybe it’s a mistake to be so sure, but for me, I think believing in a little magic is a good thing.

1 Comment

  1. Monica Manglani says:

    Hey Buddy!!

    I hope you and your team have an amazing experience! It sounds as though you guys have kept an open mind and are truly willing to delve yourselves into the experience!


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