Alana Siegel ’13

Pre-Orientation Service Project







After reading my initial POSP application, I can confidently say I have grown as a leader and as a member of both the Lafayette and Easton communities. While my application focused on integrating the worlds of Lafayette and Easton, I failed to touch on any sort of recognition of the various and intricate social issues that exist. I find it so important to understand the social issues, the reasons behind why the act of “community service” is something that is way more than picking up trash on the side of the road. In my initial application I mentioned “helping others,” which at this point I realize is not quite the goal of or reason for service. Instead, I know that service requires working together with the community at hand, finding and embracing the many strengths in other communities and cultures. Without a doubt, my life has been impacted by the many strengths that the Easton community has to offer.