Hump Day!! Another interesting day of ASB! While working with the kids today, I had a couple of unique expierences.  Between trying to stay warm (so much colder today), playing flag tag with a 4:1 ratio, and a particular awkward encounter. An encounter where I needed to reconsider my efforts.

As as recess began for the third time of the day, Fatima and I began to jump rope with a group of kids. As I attempted and failed to jump rope, one of the kids didn’t talk much. I introduced myself and thier was no response. The kid’s shirt was in all spainish and as a grip up we were told a language barrier would be present, so, I assumed this student did not speak English. Attempting to get past the language barrier, I decided to speak Spainish. After about 2 sentences of “Spainish”, the student politely told me they could speak English. So the student was just quiet and I assumed wrong…..that’s not akward……

All in all, I overcame the little akward occurrence and it was a good day. After this incident, I had a good conversation with the student; however, I’m sure I learned more than her. I learned more about her and a very simple thing: Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.