​The MOSAIC (Making our Society an Inclusive Community) Programs are regular, weekly programs coordinated by student leaders with local Easton community partners.

Volunteers are asked to commit to their weekly program for the entire semester. An orientation is held with the community partner and MOSAIC program coordinator before programming begins.  Open registration takes place within the first three weeks of each semester, but you can reach out to the Landis Center (engage@lafayette.edu) or our MOSAIC Leadership Coordinator, Cameron Adler (adlerc@lafayette.edu ) if you learn of a program throughout the year and would like to participate.

Food and Housing Security and Sovereignty 

Urban Garden Initiative

The weekly program engages with the Easton Urban Farm to harvest produce, pull weeds, prepare veggies for the food pantry, and help with other basic farm maintenance tasks. Students work with local food pantries and the Vegetables in the Community program to provide healthy, affordable produce to members of the underserved Easton community. Contact: Shreya Suresh (sureshs@lafayette.edu )

Meals at Third Street Alliance

This weekly program goes to the Third Street Alliance women and children’s shelter to cook nutritious meals and eat with the residents, creating connections between students and clients, while combating food insecurity. Contact: Hope Bassaman (basamanh@lafayette.edu)

Creative Minds

This weekly program supports women at Third Street Alliance by providing creative art based projects, writing, and interactive activities that support empowerment and self-discovery.  Contact: Gwen Connor (connorg@lafayette.edu)

Easton Garden Works

This weekly program engages with the Easton Urban Gardens by volunteering with planting, weeding, harvesting, cleanup and other garden related tasks. Contact: Emily Mastroly (mastrole@lafayette.edu)

Pax Partners

This weekly program supports the Paxinosa community food pantry and Paxinosa clothing boutique. The students work closely with Communities in Schools to provide culturally relevant foods, information, and resources for families. Contact: Lauren Daniels (daniellm@lafayette.edu)

Brain Exercise Initiative

This weekly program supports general residents at Gracedale Nursing Home with simple brain activities centered on math, reading, writing, and trivia to help slow the onset of memory loss and memory disease. Contact: Grace Comfort (comforge@lafayette.edu) & Amanda Friedman (friedama@lafayette.edu)

National Alzheimer’s Buddies

This weekly program supports residents in the dementia unit at Gracedale Nursing Home.  Volunteers will spend one-on-one time with their buddies and build strong relationships. Contact: Alexia Taylor (tayloale@lafayette.edu)

Educational Access and Equity 

Firth Youth Center

Volunteers at Firth Youth Center engage in a variety of tasks from tutoring, homework helps, and playing with the children and serving as role models. Contact: Grace Voss (vossg@lafayette.edu) 

Generation Next At Easton Area High School

Generation Next is a program that aims to support first generation junior and senior students at the Easton Area High School (EAHS). Our volunteers assist EAHS students through creating weekly interactive activities that foster critical thinking and life skills. Contact: Emily Kogut (kogute@lafayette.edu)

Easton Area Community Center

Through this weekly volunteer program, Lafayette students engage with 5-12 year old children from a variety of Easton Area schools.  They provide mentorship, tutoring, and lead wellness activities to help the students understand and cope with their emotions. Contact: Kate SantaMaria (santamak@lafayette.edu) 

Classroom Companions

This weekly program engages with Easton Area Elementary schools to aid the needs of children and staff in autistic support classrooms. Our program works to educate the Lafayette community and greater Easton community on neurodiversity and how working to make society more accessible through education and discussion can allow for a more equitable and inclusive environment. Contact: Paulina Royzman (royzmanp@lafayette.edu)

Pen Pals

This program works to promote literacy and mentorship with local elementary students by exchanging letters and meeting with students in person. Contacts: Brooke Lippe (lippeb@lafayette.edu) and Hayley Katz (katzh@lafayette.edu)

Construyendo Puentes/ Building Bridges

Volunteers work with Spanish-speaking families at Paxinosa Elementary School by supporting parents through ESL tutoring as well as engaging with their children through a variety of activities. Contact: Sofia Aguayo (aguayos@lafayette.edu) & Tara Amidon (amidont@lafayette.edu)